With first-fix done, we could move on to boarding the walls and ceilings.
First, we got Mark to put mineral wool insulation in the ceilings and in the walls of some of the rooms (bathrooms, plant room), to give some acoustic insulation. Then, while the boarding started, he and his mate Jack put 180mm of mineral wool between the rafters in the roof, and 300mm in the small loft at the very top of the roof. This was a horrible, dusty, itchy job, but Mark and Jack got on and did it.
Peter (Project Interiors) and his gang took 4 days to cover all the walls and ceilings with plasterboard. At the end of this, we could see, for the first time really, the shapes of the rooms.
Our bedroom, showing the vaulted ceiling and roof-lights.
The hall and upstairs landing
The dining room and kitchen
The lounge
And, finally, the heap of scrap plasterboard.